
Who We Are
We’re climate organizers based out of Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton) on traditional Cree, Blackfoot, Dene, Nakota Sioux, Saulteaux, and Métis Nation territory. Our group consists of educators, workers, students and community organizers; each of us passionate about contributing, in whatever way we can, to the larger, global movement for social, environmental, and climate justice.
Our Mission
We are a movement for social, environmental and climate justice. We seek to empower individuals and communities to take action on climate change, support Indigenous resistance, challenge harmful corporate and political practices, and work towards justice-based solutions.
What We Do
We work alongside community members and other groups to raise our voices against the oppressive and colonial structures that contribute to climate change. Using methods like street theatre, direct action, banner drops, marches, and protests, we listen and share, challenge and defend, critique and promote, rage and celebrate — all together.
We know that Alberta is uniquely positioned as a resource province. We have benefitted and profited from the extraction of fossil fuels, but we know that the cost to communities, our environment, and our shared future is too great to continue. Fossil fuel extraction must stop.
Fortunately, Alberta has huge renewable potential and we know that workers, communities and families can be supported and benefit from a just transition to renewable energy!
What We Want
- Alberta to immediately freeze oil sands expansion and begin driving the necessary transition towards a just, renewable energy economy
- A bold progressive vision for this province, divorced from oil: one that reflects our creativity, resilience, and deep compassion for one another
- Community owned, democratized renewable energy projects
- Support and stability for workers before, through and after the transition
- Indigenous communities to be consulted, respected, supported, and provided with proper restitution
- The interests of people and the planet unequivocally placed over those of shareholders and corporate executives
We know that a better world is possible, because we’ve witnessed it. In the most unlikely of times after unprecedented floods, and in the wake of climate-fueled fires — Albertans have come together and cared for one another with creativity, innovation, resourcefulness, and a deep sense of compassion. These are the foundations of a just, collective future.
Why Climate Justice
“Climate Justice” recognizes the ways in which all forms of oppression are linked and the ways in which climate change causes and impacts are unequally distributed. Far too often, those who are least responsible for climate change are most impacted — and those who’ve caused the most harm suffer least.
Climate justice globally recognizes the impact of our actions on people and places around the world. It calls us to action in struggles for justice and transformation going on beyond our borders, and draws us into solidarity with organizers worldwide.
Climate justice locally entails action to reject and dismantle ongoing colonialism, racism, classism, sexism, and other forms of oppression. It broadens our framework for justice from climate alone, toward an intersectional approach to organizing; and movement building. It centres the needs and concerns of those who are most marginalized, and those most impacted.
We aim to support frontline communities who are experiencing (and have experienced) social, cultural, physical and emotional harm. We celebrate successes and survival and we oppose systems of oppression.